Tone Damli is the definition of a supermom! She has superpowers in everything she does: on stage, on TV, training and at home with the kids. Here, Tone opens up about her training habits, shares her favorite smoothie recipe and talks about how her training has changed after she became a mother.
What does your training week look like?
A little is better than nothing, so I’m happy if I get 3 sessions a week. Preferably two strength and one aerobic. Aerobic sessions always involve the core.
Your top 3 favorite exercises and why?
Plank with side rotation. This is a favorite because the plank is a great core builder, while the rotation variant makes it a little more exciting. The exercise is fun because I’m good at it. As a rule, you like to do what you are good at. When I was on ‘Kompani Lauritzen’ the punishment was to do a plank, and then I excelled!
Regular push-ups. I like this exercise because there aren’t many girls who are good at it, so then it is something I like to master! If you start easily (eg fewer reps or do them on your knees) you can quickly see good progression.
“The Princess Curtsy” (which is my own name for the exercise) This exercise consists of two parts and is preferably performed while holding a kettlebell; First cross one foot onto the knee of your standing leg and squat down (a little yoga inspired), and then take the same foot behind and across your standing leg lowering your knee to the ground, almost like you curtsying to the king. King exercise, if you ask me!
What is your favorite smoothie and why do you like it so much?
It must be my morning smoothie! It tastes so good, has a little extra “zing” and feels like it really kickstarts my day.
• Freshly squeezed orange juice (preferably from Synnøve)
• 2-3 good handfuls of spinach (you can choose whether you want it fresh or frozen)
• 1/2 Avocado (may be fresh or frozen)
• 1 pinch of cayenne pepper – be careful here, this can make or break it!
• 1/2 lemon, squeezed juice
• If I have a chili in the fridge, I add 1/4 – then it tingles a little in my mouth!
How do you combine motherhood and training?
Good question because many say that training is a matter of priority. My everyday life starts at 6am the youngest wakes up, and the oldest is not in bed until 8:30pm, so then my energy is often exhausted. The only thing that works for me is to make training part of the schedule and add it to the calendar as a separate task. Training is a surplus energy project, and not something to be prioritized. My sessions usually take place at home on the living room floor or in our gym.
What is your favourite product in the earth collection and why?
My favourite product in the kit is the little ball (Abilica PilatesBall 20 cm). I can use it for many different exercises, plus Marlon thinks it is fun to play with.
“Do not expect too much of yourself. Anything is better than nothing…”
Has your motivation to continue training changed since you became a mother?
Yes, it has changed since I became a mom, but also with age. Now I am more satisfied with whatever I am able to achieve, while previously I had higher demands on myself with a greater focus on my body’s appearance. You must realize and accept that gravity works a little against you with age, hehe.
How did you exercise during pregnancy?
With Billie, I trained until one week before the birth with a PT who specialised in training pregnant women. With Marlon, I trained for the first sixth months. But after that my body felt heavy and had a lot of back pain, so, unfortunately, I had to stop.
How did you train after giving birth?
It was picking up and carrying the kids and long walks with the stroller. You should have respect for the body after birth and take it at a pace that suits you.
What are your best tips for others to get started with training?
Do not expect too much of yourself. “Anything is better than nothing”, which is also one of my training mottos. Feel free to find a training partner, whether it is your boyfriend or girlfriend. Make an appointment and keep it! This works very well for me. Sometimes I imagine that I am a PT. At least the times Markus and I train together, and then I push him a little extra!
Get ready to work out with Tone’s playlist
As a singer, influencer, podcaster and mother of two, Tone knows a thing or two about balance. She finds hers through workouts, healthy food and even a work out playlist, filled with energizing and feel-good songs.